These three font families represent our forward-thinking brand with a nod to our history. When used consistently across various communication channels, they give the University a distinct tone of voice that is scientific, bold and clear.
Official Fonts: Minion Pro and FF DIN

The official fonts of The University of Texas at Dallas are Minion Pro (serif) and FF DIN (sans serif). Official fonts are primarily used by professional graphic designers for advertising and University publications.
Google font substitutes for FF DIN are Barlow, Roboto Condensed and Roboto Regular. Minion Alternatives are Crimson Text and Alegreya. Minion is included as part of the standard Adobe Creative Suite package. For questions about the University typefaces, please email marketing@utdallas.edu.
Default Fonts: Times New Roman and Arial

Times New Roman (serif) and Arial (sans serif) are the official default fonts of The University of Texas at Dallas and are preferred for daily use in print and electronic media.
Specialty Font: Modesto Text

Modesto Text is used for the University wordmark. It can be synced through Adobe Typekit when you sign in using your Enterprise ID and used with Adobe programs like Photoshop and InDesign.
Web Fonts
Modesto, Minion Pro and DIN 2014, a web-friendly version of FF DIN, are the preferred fonts for UT Dallas websites. Contact University Web Services to access them as web fonts for your site.
When limited to system fonts, the preferred typefaces are Times New Roman (serif) or Arial (sans serif).
Exceptions to official fonts may be made for invitations, posters, banners or special events.